We can all play our part

This year from the 1st October, we are building up to World Homelessness Day on 10th October with 10 days of things you can Do, Discuss and Donate to take charge of change.

I want to get involved

Take Charge of Change

Discuss: the issues facing young people

Raising awareness of the youth homelessness crisis is vital. Learn more about a topic that, for many, goes completely unnoticed. Then have an open discussion with friends and loved ones. The more people know, the more they can influence change.

A man and a women sitting on a sofa talking, the man has a laptop on his lap
Do: Read Fatima's story

Fatima found out she was pregnant at 21, with nowhere to live. Find out how she is still following her dreams of becoming a nurse.

Read her story
Young woman wearing pink headscarf and grey coat is standing on a pavement outside brick buildings. She has her back to the camera and is carrying a small black rucksac.
Donate: to our winter clothes appeal

This winter is going to be the hardest for young people yet - facing a housing and cost-of-living crisis. Donate so we can ensure young people stay safe and warm as it get colder.

Donate today
Do: Join our #PlanForThe129k campaign

We're calling political parties to commit to a strategy to end youth homelessness. Write to your MP, share our campaign with others and get your organisation on board.

Get involved
Photo of a girl at a protest holding a sign saying 'Our future's on the line'
Discuss: becoming business partner

Phoenix Court are a local business that support our work. Read how our partnership with them is so successful, and discuss within your own company how you can take charge of change.

Read Rachel's blog

Support our work

By giving just £10, you can help us provide young homeless people across London with the services and support that they desperately need.

An illustration of a wallet
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