“ECR has changed my offending, 100%. They thought me that committing crime might help me now but not in the long term”
By delivering in partnership between Camden YOS and our expert team at New Horizon, our Enhanced Constructive Resettlement (ECR) project proved effective in preventing and reducing youth offending. The external project evaluation has rich learning for the wider youth justice sector and to support systems change – so we are keen to share it.
Together with LB Camden Youth Offending Service, we invite you to our online report launch on 11th October, 1.30-3pm. Please register via this link.
About the project
Between 2018 and 2021, New Horizon Youth Centre and LB Camden Youth Offending Service delivered a pilot enhanced constructive resettlement (ECR) programme of support for children and young people in or at risk of custody. This ECR project was one of the first to apply a constructive resettlement approach through a local partnership between the voluntary and statutory sectors alongside.
During this time the ECR project successfully reduced the high re-offending rates among children and young people (aged 15 to 25) in the London Borough of Camden by supporting them to improve life chances and fundamentally change lifestyles. The project approach focused on co-production with children and young adults and the professionals in their support network and emphasised youth-focused engagement underpinned by psychological theory.
Keen to learn from the ECR pilot project, we commissioned an external evaluation to assess the model’s impact and the extent to which it achieved its intended outcomes. The evaluation also aimed to identify learning for the wider sector. We are know ready to share the findings with you.
Join the report launch to find out more about:
- The ECR approach – co-production, engagement, psychological input, wider network
- Outcomes and impact – for young people, Youth Offending Services, wider sector
- Economic value – how investment in small cohorts matters
- Collaboration – the value of voluntary sector and Young Offending Service partnership
- Replication – factors for project replication and scaling up
We’re lucky to have a fantastic bunch of speakers at the event:
- Sally Cupitt – Sally Cupitt Consulting, Independent Evaluator
- Anna-Kaarina Ahti – Ministry of Justice, Programme Manager Resettlement Team, Youth Justice Policy Unit
- Saqib Deshmukh – Alliance for Youth Justice, Interim Chief Executive
- Eugene Griffin – LB Camden, Head of Integrated Youth Services
- Viviane Dasilva – New Horizon Youth Centre, Head of Outreach
- Phil Kerry – New Horizon Youth Centre, Chief Executive (chair)
To register for the report launch:
Please fill in the quick registration form. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to the event.
We are looking forward to seeing you then.
“ECR have never really given up. I’ll always remember my ECR caseworker, she was visiting me in jail every week, that’s more than my own mum had done!”