Cómo acceder a las ayudas

If you are 18-24 and need help with housing or homelessness, come to our day centre.

Opening times

Monday: 10.30-16.00

Tuesday: 10.30-16.00 appointment only

Wednesday: 10.30-13.30

Wednesday: 14.00-16.00 Women and Non-Binary Only Space

Thursday: 10.30-16.00

Friday: 10.30-16.00

Friday: 16.00-18.00 Men and Non-Binary Only Space


New Horizon Youth Centre, 68 Chalton Street, Camden, London NW1 1JR


020 7388 5560

Find us on google maps

Search for New Horizon Youth Centre

Google Maps location

What happens when you arrive

When you first arrive you will be greeted by our receptionist and you will complete registration with one of our friendly youth workers. Please bring your ID.

Housing appointments, for advice about your housing situation with our expert housing advisors, are given on the door each day when you arrive.

Get to the centre for 10.30am for your best chance of getting a housing appointment that day.

We cannot provide housing or emergency shelter straight away. There is a long process and it can take days, weeks or even months – but we will always do our best to help you.

Once registered, you can access our daily day centre services, activities and stay for a hot lunch.

Podemos ayudarle con:

  • Housing advice, and advocacy – support to get help from other services
  • Support with accessing benefits, universal credit and understanding what you’re entitled to
  • Apoyo a la educación, el empleo y la formación
  • Counselling and mental health support
  • Asesoramiento sobre salud física y sexual
  • Apoyo personalizado en materia de vida independiente y comunicación
  • Breakfast and hot lunches
  • Duchas
  • Wifi
  • Laundry
  • Clothes and health essentials
  • Trabajo juvenil y programa de habilidades para la vida que incluye arte, música, deportes y teatro.

If needed, we will also help you find and use other specialist services, for example LGBTQ+ support, legal help or immigration advisors.

We are part of the London Youth Gateway so may refer you to other specialist organisations in London.

What we cannot do

  • Offer housing straight away
  • Offer emergency accommodation straight away
  • We are not the council, probation or the Government
  • Support people aged 25 or older, families or children
  • Provide clinical medical help or prescribe prescriptions
  • Share any of your details with anyone without your permission (unless in safeguarding situations)

¿Está ahora en crisis?

If you need urgent help or information, are aged 25 or over, or are not able to access our day centre, these support services are here for you:

Llamar a los servicios de emergencia

Si se encuentra en una crisis grave o en riesgo de sufrir daños

Llama: 999

Teléfono de ayuda a la vivienda de Shelter

0808 800 4444

For all advice around housing and homelessness, for any age or situation. Call Mon-Fri or visit their website

Get help from Shelter


If you are sleeping rough tonight, make an alert on their website. They can 'verify' that you are sleeping rough and connect you to vital services.

Tell them where you are

Homeless Link

A database of support services for those facing homelessness in England run by Homeless Link

Search for support near you

London Youth Gateway

LYG is London's only youth specific homelessness partnership. We support young people 18-25 with housing needs, including those from LGBTQ+ and migrant communities.

Get support

Los samaritanos

116 123 (24hrs)

Si te sientes muy mal, tienes tendencias suicidas o necesitas hablar con alguien urgentemente. También puedes acudir al servicio de urgencias de cualquier hospital.

Visite su sitio web


0300 123 3393

All ages - if you want information mental health or need access to services

Visite su sitio web

La mezcla

text 85258

Our crisis messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you’re aged 25 or under, and are experiencing any painful emotion or are in crisis.

More support from The Mix

Línea nacional de ayuda contra el maltrato doméstico

0808 2000 247 (24 horas)

If you are in an abusive or violent relationship or fleeing any kind of violence or abuse and need help urgently. In an emergency, always call 999.

Advice about and support for domestic abuse

Centralita LGBT

0800 0119 100

Si te identificas como LGBTQ+ y necesitas información y apoyo.

Advice for anyone LGBTQ+


0800 999 5428

for LGBTQ+ people experiencing violence or abuse.

Visite su sitio web

Migrant Help

0808 8010 503

Free asylum help line. Asylum support, refugee resettlement, victims of slavery and human trafficking support, interpreter services

Contact Migrant Help

Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline

08000 121 700

Report if you or someone you know is at risk of modern slavery or exploitation

More information

Preguntas frecuentes

We support over a thousand 18-24 year-olds every year, the majority of whom are in urgent need of housing. Any young person who is referred to us can access our housing support. Here’s how we help them:

¿A qué se refiere cuando dice "sin techo"?

We work with young people who are homeless or facing homelessness, or are unsafe.

Examples of homelessness and situations where we could help with your housing: sleeping on a friend’s couch, sleeping on the streets, not being sure where you’re staying tonight, staying with a person or partner you don’t feel safe with. You could have fallen out with your parents, family or friends and don’t feel comfortable, welcome or safe staying with them. You could be in danger if you return to your area. You could be a refugee or asylum seeker kicked out of your accommodation. You might have been evicted by your landlord or unable to access rental properties in London. You could be a student in London with nowhere to go in the holidays.

Ya estoy trabajando con ustedes y quiero una actualización

If you are already known to us and want an update, then please call 020 7388 5560 or email [email protected].

Someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that as the centre is only open on 10:30-16:00 weekdays, we may not always be able to answer your call. We are regularly checking the voicemail but if you need something urgent, we would advise emailing first.

Why do I have to bring ID?

This helps us to know who you are, your details and makes it easier for us to refer you to different services and support you with options that are available to you. If you do not have ID, talk to reception when you arrive.

ID can be a passport, driving licence, biometric residency permit or another form of photo identification.

¿Qué ocurre en el centro de día?

Nuestro centro de día está abierto todos los días de la semana.

We run our advice, health, life skills and housing services from the day centre, as well as offering workshops, basics like food and clothing and activities like football, supper clubs and trips out. Basically, our centre is the main point where you can get our support, as well as a lot of fun and helpful extras.

¿Cómo puedo acudir a las actividades del centro de día?

Any young person who has registered with us can come to our activities.

Puede hablar con cualquier miembro del equipo si tiene dudas o preguntas.

Tengo necesidades de aprendizaje o de acceso. Son accesibles el centro y los servicios del NHYC?

Podemos adaptarnos a todas las necesidades de aprendizaje y acceso.

Nuestro centro de día es totalmente accesible en silla de ruedas, y podemos ofrecer espacios tranquilos y adaptaciones para cualquier otro tipo de discapacidad o neurodiversidad. Nuestro personal se asegurará de que entendemos sus límites y expectativas y haremos todo lo posible para cumplirlos en todos los ámbitos. Ofrecemos apoyo lingüístico (véase más abajo), comida para cualquier requisito dietético o alergia y nuestro centro de día dispone de tecnología adaptativa para la mayoría de los estilos de aprendizaje y comunicación. Si no estamos familiarizados con lo que pides, lo estudiaremos y nos adaptaremos para ayudarte lo mejor posible.

No hablo inglés, ¿puedo obtener ayuda del NHYC?

Podemos ayudarle mediante servicios de traducción e interpretación.

We have ESOL classes for people to learn English, and a Communications Support Worker who can help with other speech and language needs.

¿Estaré seguro en NHYC?

Muchos de los jóvenes que acuden a nosotros no se sienten seguros en determinadas zonas de Londres o cerca de determinadas personas.

Somos conscientes de ello y comprobaremos al realizar la evaluación inicial si hay algo que debamos evitar. Por esta razón, los martes en el centro de día sólo se puede acudir con cita previa. Haremos todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para que se sienta seguro. Puede obtener más información sobre nuestra oferta de seguridad y asistencia aquí.

¿Me tratarán de forma diferente a como me han tratado en otros servicios?

No somos una organización gubernamental, lo que significa que nuestra ayuda depende totalmente de usted.

No somos el ayuntamiento, la policía ni ninguna otra organización oficial, y no hablamos con ellos sin tu permiso a menos que sea necesario por razones de seguridad. No nos acercaremos a tu familia ni a tu comunidad a menos que nos lo pidas. Te ayudaremos todo lo que quieras, pero tú mantienes el control: no te obligaremos a nada y puedes dejar de trabajar con nosotros cuando quieras. Nuestro equipo tiene experiencia y es digno de confianza, y esperamos que lo note en cómo le tratamos.

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