
Apply to evaluate our Stand By Me Project

Posted on: 12 December 2023

Our Stand By Me Project aims to deliver outreach and support to 250 young people aged 16-24 over 2 years. It aims to reduce offending rates for young people, supporting them to improve their life chances and change their lifestyles. Young people involved receive intensive, long-term support from a case worker in our Outreach Team at New Horizon Youth Centre. The model of the project is that we ‘stand by’ all young people, whatever they have done, whatever they need and for however long they need us.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you to be honest. Thanks again, I can’t tell you how much that’s helped me out right now” – young person supported in 2023

The pilot ran between 2018-2022 with great success, and has now got additional funding to run from 2023-2025. The Outreach Team has also received additional funding to support 350 young people from 2023-2026.

Now, we are looking for individual(s) or an organisation to evaluate the Stand by Me project and the work of the Outreach Team over the next three years. We would like the evaluation to build upon what we have learned from our pilot, addressing what is effective about the model; the extent to which it achieves its intended outcomes; and our efficacy in replicating the project and expanding its reach.

The budget for the evaluation work is £76,000 total over the three years, inclusive of VAT and expenses.

  • Deadline for bids: 12th January 2024
  • Interviews: w/c 29th January 2024
  • Award and project kick off meeting: w/c 5th February 2024

If this is something you might be interested in, please read our full Tender Brief with details of how to apply.

“The [outreach team at New Horizon] has had a very positive impact on my life and if I didn’t have my Outreach worker then I don’t know where I’d be.” – young person supported in 2023

Queries related to the tender should be sent to Kate Bond, Head of Outreach ([email protected]).

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